EMS workshop to focus on business continuity and recovery

In a rapidly changing marketplace, a priority for today’s customers is for a resilient and reliable international delivery service. EMS Cooperative members are addressing these changing market needs by focussing on business continuity and export volume recovery.

This year’s EMS Cooperative’s global workshop on 13 and 14 October will address the theme of business continuity and recovery. The 2022 global workshop will be a platform, which aims to assist the member Posts in preparing crisis management strategies, to have total control of their operations and grow EMS business.

Global Business Meeting on Economic Recovery

EMS members’ successful case studies will set the stage of best practices on crisis management and will stimulate discussions during the breakout group sessions. Representatives from the following members have already agreed to present at the event: Algeria, Bangladesh, Canada, China (People’s Rep.), Japan, Ethiopia, Romania, Maldives, the Netherlands and Viet Nam (other speakers to be confirmed). Furthermore, external experts will participate in the workshop in order to bring insight on crisis management from outside of the postal sector.

The workshop is an excellent chance for members to network and share ideas. The culmination of event will be a networking session at the end of day one to allow members to gather and make connections. In advance of the workshop, EMS Cooperative members are encouraged to share successful stories and promotional materials.

The two-day event will be moderated by industry expert Derek Osborn who is an enthusiastic, innovative, and inspiring business and leadership coach, management trainer and international facilitator with over 26 years’ experience working internationally. Derek is passionate about partnership and collaboration to share knowledge, ideas and best practice and to build capability, encourage training and foster innovation.

All EMS Cooperative members are invited to attend. Although the event is in hybrid format, it is very interactive so we hope that as many members as possible can travel to the UPU Headquarters in Berne and to attend in person.

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