During 2022, cooperation deepened as EMS Cooperative members from around the world met to exchange ideas on how to strengthen EMS. Looking forward to 2023 a series of planned events will further help network members grow EMS volumes.
2022 was a year of transition for the EMS Cooperative as it has offered more opportunities for EMS Cooperative members to meet in person. Members showed their commitment to the EMS Cooperative by travelling to Switzerland to attend the annual EMS General Assembly. Later in the year, the networking event at the EMS Global Workshop in Berne helped build and deepen EMS business relationships and the in-depth discussions during the break-out groups generated many strategic ideas that will benefit all members.
A Caribbean workshop in Aruba was a perfect reminder of the benefit of meeting in person and networking with other EMS operators. 35 attendees travelled to Oranjestad, Aruba to take part in a successful EMS regional workshop that focused on operational improvement and EAD compliance. Over two days, participants were introduced to the work of the EMS Cooperative and actively engaged in many practical exercises. The workshop was the first in-person regional training on EMS SMART since its launch and all attendees had a detailed overview of its many dashboards and reports.
In November, the EMS Regional Coordinator for Europe travelled to Türkiye to deliver an EMS Performance Review, the first in-person EMS Performance Review for many years. Staff from Turkish Post used the review to improve their EMS service performance to meet customer needs for reliability and visibility.
EMS Cooperative members are also embracing the convenience of digital meetings. The annual meetings were open to members remotely. Over the year, members from seven regions have continued to meet in regular regional teleconferences where they shared operational knowledge and connected with other EMS experts, who may not previously have attended meetings. From 1 until 8 December members from Africa and Arab regions took part in remote workshops with updates on key EMS activities. Remote meetings are an efficient and sustainable way to bring together members from across the world and receive training on the latest initiatives.
Looking forward, this hybrid mix of meeting formats offers the best of both worlds. In 2023, the Regional Teleconferences will continue, but at the same time members will be able to meet face-to-face at annual events, such as the April 2023 EMS Cooperative General Assembly. It is also hoped that in some regions, 2023 will mark the return of EMS symposiums and more in-person Regional EMS Workshops for Performance Improvement. More than ever before, these regular meetings are strengthening the EMS Cooperative.